Instrumentation, Software, Hardware & Cybersecurity

NOAH is on the cutting edge in designing and deploying advanced remote monitoring for all scales and needs.
Our services include instrumentation, data storage, quality assurance, data visualization, and other software support for data integration with other platforms, including our decision support system.
Our technology expertise includes the Internet of Things, which provides customized cost-effective solutions adaptable to any existing system.
We are in the final stages of developing our proprietary hardware system that uses state of the art IOT technology for remotely transferring data from instruments deployed at any location to a centralized database.
We also provide superior cyber security protection that meets the very highest standards.
NOAH can help ensure that you are not only collecting the right data, but also at the appropriate spatial and temporal resolution in a cost-effective way. We analyze the assets, resources, and existing instrumentation in the context of applicable regulatory, scientific, engineering, and operational objectives. Our proprietary algorithms can identify critically important data collection needs, and also reduce instrumentation in some areas, thereby reducing costs.

Sometimes being at the right place at the right time with an openness to new approaches leads to a better path forward.
- Instrumentation
- System routing
- Switches, gateways, and/or firewalls
- Data communication protocols (e.g., MODBUS, BACnet), etc.) and how it communicates with servers,
- Intermediary hardware (e.g., converters) that connect PLCs to the network infrastructure,
- Operating system, version, and distribution
Our customized computer programming and software support services include database development, Geographic Information System (GIS), data visualization, data integration with other software programs and platforms, including NOAH’s decision support system.

Cybersecurity is an ever-growing threat facing water utilities.
Our experts have unparalleled expertise in the highest levels of cybersecurity protection.
Our services include performing cybersecurity vulnerability assessments, recommending protocols and procedures for minimizing potential threats, installing advanced cybersecurity software, and training your personnel in advanced cybersecurity practices.