The NOAH System

NOAH has a clear and compelling advantage: NOAH helps you make better decisions.
A distinct advantage of NOAH’s advanced real-time decision support system is that it seamlessly integrates numerous prediction models for any number of assets and features into a single global simulation and/or optimization model.
Highly flexible and adaptable to any range of systems and operating conditions, NOAH’s system can be easily and cost-effectively expanded in a modular fashion as more system components are added or are brought on-line.

NOAH is not an all or nothing solution.
While our most advanced system version integrates AI and optimization with real-time data streams, it can easily be customized to fit your specific needs.
In some instances, only AI analysis and predictions are necessary. In other cases, optimization may be the feature of need.
AI and/or optimization models can be integrated with real-time data streams and SCADA, or run off-line with data initialization and model deployment as necessary.
When warranted, other model types like physics-based models are used.
NOAH also has proprietary methods for expanding the spatial and temporal domains of the AI-based prediction and optimization models.
NOAH’s decision support system never sleeps.
When integrated with real-time data streams, the AI models continue to learn and adapt to new data; predictions and optimization are continuously provided at the frequency of interest.
By accurately predicting the unexpected, our system allows you to always be prepared for extreme events that could otherwise produce serious water supply disruptions.
In short, we provide more than models; our proprietary methods provide you with a window into your system for understanding why and how it behaves the way it does, and how best to leverage this knowledge to optimally manage and protect your assets and resources in an uncertain world.
We also support your related hardware and software needs to achieve a fully functional integrated system for collecting, transmitting, storing, retrieving, analyzing, visualizing, and using your data for superior real-time water management.
We use your data to:
- Achieve a deeper understanding of your complex systems
- Identify important inter-relationships between system variables
- Improve data collection strategies to promote your objectives
- Implement the best approaches for using your data to develop meaningful and accurate data analysis methods, prediction, and optimization models
- Provide you with the advanced decision-making capability you need