Ferenc Szidarovszky, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Vice President and Director of Operations Research
Dr. Szidarovsky (who likes to be known as Szidar) Is captivated by the beauty and power of formal mathematical analysis and by the beauty and power of nature. His work allows him to apply the first, mathematics, to the protection of the second, nature.

He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Eotvos University of Sciences of Budapest, Hungary, and a second Ph.D. in economics from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences. He is also a recipient of two higher scientific degrees given by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Candidate in Mathematics and Doctor of Engineering Sciences.

Szidar is standing next to the beautiful Danube River. In the foreground is the Liberty Bridge, connecting Buda with Pest, which collectively form the lovely capital of Hungary, Budapest. Pictured in the left background is the Freedom Statue on the Gellért Hill. Gellért Hill was named after Bishop Gerard who was assassinated in 1046 and later sainted. In addition to the Danube River, Szidar also has a deep love for the rich classical musical tradition of Austria and Hungary, considered “the cradle of classical music.” Perhaps it is appropriate that one of the most recognizable classical pieces in the world is the The Blue Danube, composed by Johann Strauss II.