Peter Goldman
NOAH Company Counsel
Social justice matters to Peter Goldman, including social justice as it applies to the politics of water and the effect water issues have on the daily lives of people around the world.

Peter lives in Portland, Maine. The water you see is part of Maine’s Casco Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Maine and home to about 3,000 species of plant and animal life. Unseen in this photo, on the viewer’s left and about half a mile away, is Portland’s working harbor. In addition to transatlantic shipping, Portland is home to bustling fishing and lobstering industries. The lighthouse, Bug Light, is one of nine around Portland harbor. Every year, Portland is home to the Maine Lighthouse Ride. Cyclists from all over the U.S. ride along the harbor trail, through wetlands and along the seacoast. While we have good fun, the Lighthouse Ride also raises awareness of our environment and the urgency of protecting it.